/* eslint-env mocha */
import React, { PureComponent } from "react"
import expect from "expect"
import System from "core/system"
import { fromJS } from "immutable"
import { render } from "enzyme"
import ViewPlugin from "core/plugins/view/index.js"
import filterPlugin from "core/plugins/filter/index.js"
import { connect, Provider } from "react-redux"
describe("bound system", function(){
describe("wrapActions", function(){
it("should replace an action", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
josh: {
actions: {
simple: () => {
return { type: "simple" }
wrapActions: {
simple: () => () => {
return { type: "newSimple" }
// When
let action = system.getSystem().joshActions.simple(1)
type: "newSimple"
it("should expose the original action, and the system as args", function(){
// Given
const simple = () => ({type: "simple" })
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
josh: {
actions: { simple },
wrapActions: {
simple: (oriAction, system) => (actionArg) => {
return {
type: "newSimple",
oriActionResult: oriAction(),
system: system.getSystem(),
// When
let action = system.getSystem().joshActions.simple(1)
type: "newSimple",
oriActionResult: { type: "simple" },
system: system.getSystem(),
actionArg: 1
it("should support multiple wraps of the same action", function(){
const system = new System({
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
actions: {
simple: () => {
return {
type: "simple",
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
wrapActions: {
simple: (ori) => () => {
return {
firstWrap: true
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
wrapActions: {
simple: (ori) => () => {
return {
secondWrap: true
// When
let action = system.getSystem().kyleActions.simple(1)
type: "simple",
firstWrap: true,
secondWrap: true,
it("should execute wrapActions in the order they appear ( via plugins )", function(){
const system = new System({
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
actions: {
simple: () => {
return {
type: "one",
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
wrapActions: {
simple: (ori) => () => {
const obj = ori()
obj.type += "-two"
return obj
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
wrapActions: {
simple: (ori) => () => {
const obj = ori()
obj.type += "-three"
return obj
// When
let action = system.getSystem().kyleActions.simple(1)
it("should have a the latest system", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
actions: {
simple: () => {
return {
type: "one",
wrapActions: {
simple: (ori, {joshActions}) => () => {
return joshActions.hello()
// When
const kyleActions = system.getSystem().kyleActions
statePlugins: {
josh: {
actions: {
hello(){ return {type: "hello" } }
const action = kyleActions.simple()
expect(action).toEqual({ type: "hello"})
it.skip("should be able to create async actions", function(){
const system = new System({
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
actions: {
simple: () => {
return {
type: "one",
statePlugins: {
kyle: {
wrapActions: {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
simple: (ori) => (arg) => (sys) => {
return { type: "called" }
// When
let action = system.getSystem().kyleActions.simple(1)
describe("fn", function() {
it("should return helper functions", function () {
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: [
// When
const fn = system.getSystem().fn.opsFilter
expect(typeof fn).toEqual("function")
describe("selectors", function(){
it("should have the first arg be the nested state, and all other args to follow", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
state: {
josh: {
one: 1
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
josh: {
selectors: {
simple: (state, arg1) => {
return { state, arg1 }
// When
let res = system.getSystem().joshSelectors.simple(1)
state: fromJS({
one: 1
arg1: 1
describe("when selector returns a function", function(){
it("should pass the system to that function", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
josh: {
selectors: {
advanced: () => (mySystem) => {
// Then
return "hi"
// When
let res = system.getSystem().joshSelectors.advanced(1)
describe("wrapSelectors", () => {
it("should wrap a selector and provide a reference to the original", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "original"
statePlugins: {
doge: {
wrapSelectors: {
wow: (ori) => (system) => {
// Then
return ori() + " wrapper"
// When
let res = system.getSystem().dogeSelectors.wow(1)
expect(res).toEqual("original wrapper")
it("should provide a live reference to the system to a wrapper", function(done){
// Given
const mySystem = new System({
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "original"
statePlugins: {
doge: {
wrapSelectors: {
wow: (ori, system) => () => {
// Then
return ori() + " wrapper"
it("should provide the state as the first argument to the inner function", function(done){
// Given
const mySystem = new System({
state: {
doge: {
abc: "123"
plugins: [
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "original"
statePlugins: {
doge: {
wrapSelectors: {
wow: (ori, system) => (dogeState) => {
// Then
return ori() + " wrapper"
describe("getComponent", function() {
it("returns a component from the system", function() {
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
test: ({ name }) =>
{name} component
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("test")
const renderedComponent = render()
expect(renderedComponent.text()).toEqual("Test component")
it("allows container components to provide their own `mapStateToProps` function", function() {
// Given
class ContainerComponent extends PureComponent {
mapStateToProps(nextState, props) {
return {
"fromMapState": "This came from mapStateToProps"
static defaultProps = {
"fromMapState" : ""
render() {
const { exampleSelectors, fromMapState, fromOwnProps } = this.props
return (
{ fromMapState } {exampleSelectors.foo()} {fromOwnProps}
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
statePlugins: {
example: {
selectors: {
foo() { return "and this came from the system" }
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("ContainerComponent", true)
const renderedComponent = render(
// Then
expect(renderedComponent.text()).toEqual("This came from mapStateToProps and this came from the system and this came from my own props")
it("gives the system and own props as props to a container's `mapStateToProps` function", function() {
// Given
class ContainerComponent extends PureComponent {
mapStateToProps(nextState, props) {
const { exampleSelectors, fromMapState, fromOwnProps } = props
return {
"fromMapState": `This came from mapStateToProps ${exampleSelectors.foo()} ${fromOwnProps}`
static defaultProps = {
"fromMapState" : ""
render() {
const { fromMapState } = this.props
return (
{ fromMapState }
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
statePlugins: {
example: {
selectors: {
foo() { return "and this came from the system" }
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("ContainerComponent", true)
const renderedComponent = render(
// Then
expect(renderedComponent.text()).toEqual("This came from mapStateToProps and this came from the system and this came from my own props")
describe("afterLoad", function() {
it("should call a plugin's `afterLoad` method after the plugin is loaded", function() {
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: [
afterLoad(system) {
this.rootInjects.wow = system.dogeSelectors.wow
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "so selective"
// When
let res = system.getSystem().wow()
expect(res).toEqual("so selective")
it("should call a preset plugin's `afterLoad` method after the plugin is loaded", function() {
// Given
const MyPlugin = {
afterLoad(system) {
this.rootInjects.wow = system.dogeSelectors.wow
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "so selective"
const system = new System({
plugins: [
// When
let res = system.getSystem().wow()
expect(res).toEqual("so selective")
it("should call a function preset plugin's `afterLoad` method after the plugin is loaded", function() {
// Given
const MyPlugin = {
afterLoad(system) {
this.rootInjects.wow = system.dogeSelectors.wow
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "so selective"
const system = new System({
plugins: [
() => {
return [MyPlugin]
// When
let res = system.getSystem().wow()
expect(res).toEqual("so selective")
it("should call a registered plugin's `afterLoad` method after the plugin is loaded", function() {
// Given
const MyPlugin = {
afterLoad(system) {
this.rootInjects.wow = system.dogeSelectors.wow
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "so selective"
const system = new System({
plugins: []
// When
let res = system.getSystem().wow()
expect(res).toEqual("so selective")
describe("rootInjects", function() {
it("should attach a rootInject function as an instance method", function() {
// This is the same thing as the `afterLoad` tests, but is here for posterity
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: [
afterLoad(system) {
this.rootInjects.wow = system.dogeSelectors.wow
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "so selective"
// When
let res = system.getSystem().wow()
expect(res).toEqual("so selective")
describe("error catching", function() {
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in an afterLoad method", function() {
// Given
const ThrowyPlugin = {
afterLoad(system) {
throw new Error("afterLoad BREAKS STUFF!")
statePlugins: {
doge: {
selectors: {
wow: () => (system) => {
return "so selective"
const system = new System({
plugins: []
// When
expect(function() {
// let resSystem = system.getSystem()
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in an action creator", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
throw: {
actions: {
func() {
throw new Error("this action creator THROWS!")
expect(function() {
// TODO: fix existing action error catcher that creates THROWN ERR actions
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in a reducer", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
throw: {
actions: {
func: () => {
return {
type: "THROW_FUNC",
payload: "BOOM!"
reducers: {
"THROW_FUNC": (state, action) => {
throw new Error("this reducer EXPLODES!")
expect(function() {
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in a selector", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
throw: {
selectors: {
func: (state, arg1) => {
throw new Error("this selector THROWS!")
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in a complex selector", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
throw: {
selectors: {
func: (state, arg1) => system => {
throw new Error("this selector THROWS!")
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in a wrapAction", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
throw: {
actions: {
func: () => {
return {
type: "THROW_FUNC",
payload: "this original action does NOT throw"
wrapActions: {
func: (ori) => (...args) => {
throw new Error("this wrapAction UNRAVELS EVERYTHING!")
it("should encapsulate thrown errors in a wrapSelector", function(){
// Given
const system = new System({
plugins: {
statePlugins: {
throw: {
selectors: {
func: (state, arg1) => {
return 123
wrapSelectors: {
func: (ori) => (...props) => {
return ori(...props)
describe("components", function() {
it("should catch errors thrown inside of React Component Class render methods", function() {
// Given
class BrokenComponent extends React.Component {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/require-render-return
render() {
throw new Error("This component is broken")
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("BrokenComponent")
const renderedComponent = render()
// Then
expect(renderedComponent.text()).toEqual("😱 Could not render BrokenComponent, see the console.")
it("should catch errors thrown inside of pure component render methods", function() {
// Given
class BrokenComponent extends PureComponent {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/require-render-return
render() {
throw new Error("This component is broken")
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("BrokenComponent")
const renderedComponent = render()
// Then
expect(renderedComponent.text()).toEqual("😱 Could not render BrokenComponent, see the console.")
it("should catch errors thrown inside of stateless component functions", function() {
// Given
// eslint-disable-next-line react/require-render-return
let BrokenComponent = function BrokenComponent() { throw new Error("This component is broken") }
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("BrokenComponent")
const renderedComponent = render()
// Then
expect(renderedComponent.text().startsWith("😱 Could not render")).toEqual(true)
it("should catch errors thrown inside of container components", function() {
// Given
class BrokenComponent extends React.Component {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/require-render-return
render() {
throw new Error("This component is broken")
const system = new System({
plugins: [
components: {
// When
let Component = system.getSystem().getComponent("BrokenComponent", true)
const renderedComponent = render(
// Then
expect(renderedComponent.text()).toEqual("😱 Could not render BrokenComponent, see the console.")